Worksheet 4: Short Story II/ Prose Extract
Witi Ihimaera: ‘The house with the Sugarbag Windows’
1. List adjectives and other linguistic features used to contrast the genteel dinner
party in the colonial house in Kelburn with the poverty-stricken house of the
narrator’s upbringing.
2. What similarities or differences are there between the depiction of race
relations in this story and Stead’s ‘A short history’?
C.K. Stead: ‘A short history of New Zealand’
1. This text divides into sections that relate to different layers of the narrative
(such as the narrator’s voice, the story within the story, the tapescript, etc).
Decide which layers each section of text relates to.
2. What is the ‘meta-fictional’ relationship between the writer of ‘A short history of New Zealand’ and the young writer in the text, and how does Stead use it
as a literary device?
Emily Perkins: ‘The Shared Experience’
1. In what sense is the title of this story ironic?
2. How would you characterise Perkins’ use of language? Illustrate with specific
Janet Frame: extract from An Angel at my Table
1. Identify five texts that Frame mentions having read during her time with Frank
2. Identify at least passages in the text where Sargeson gives specific Frame
stylistic and related literary advice about her writing.
3. Underline three further examples of vivid imagery that Frame brings to
everyday objects or situations